Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Myth of the Sexual Conquest-A Patriarchal Fairy Tale

This morning I was musing over the fact that we have bought Hook Line and Sinker...the patriarchal load of BULLSHIT that is referred to as the "sexual conquest"

By we I mean both women AND men!

Ladies, Sistahs, Mommas! Come on now! How could it be possible that man's penis inside us means that he somehow conquered us? Is it the penis' similarity to a sword , a gun or other weapons of conquest? Because any Grown Woman know that being made love to does not equal being conquered! We all know that we gone get up from that same bed and do whatever the hell it is we wanted to do before the loving began! we feel conquered by a penis? Rarely! Hell sometimes we don't even feel satisfied by it much less CONQUERED. I mean coitus has to be the time in which our female superiority complex is most often and best many times are we lying there thinking "aww hell is THAT all he's got" or "shit, I chose him because he looked like he knew how to put it down" or for the size mavins like myself "you mean he has all of that and doesn't know what do to with it!?"

Seriously, even when the loving is good, I rest assured in the undisputed fact that I can ALWAYS make him come and he may or may not be able to do the same for me

Not the thought process of one who is being conquered...I assure you

How often are you putting it down and feeling as if you have conquered this woman? I mean true you have been socialized to believe that her cooch is some kind of commodity you have to work and pay for, before you are even allowed to sniff its goodness...BUT aside from many times are you all up in her and thinking YES I have gotten the best of seems to me that most of your time is spent concentrating on not exploding inside her juicy goodness!

Not the posture or the thought process of a conqueror!

I truly believe that if we cast this nonsensical belief in conquering and being conquered in the sexual realm to the side, to the rubbish heap where it belongs...we will be closer to being able to be about the business of building actual relationships...of truly getting to know one another and moving past feeling as if we have outwitted someone or have been outwitted because we shared ourselves physically...

That's just my two cents


Blogger LISA VAZQUEZ said...


Welcome to your new blog home!

Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!

2:06 PM  

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